![]() |
This example shows the use of database driven SVG generation with MySQL and Perl. It let you create a map of European countries of your choice, re-centres the viewport on it and highlights countries on MouseOver displaying their names as well. Select countries on the left and click on the "generate SVG"-Button. You may perform multiple selects with CTRL & SHIFT. Specify countries as link: Switzerland & Austria, European Union |
Right-click, save ...
Inspired by André Winter's SVG-MySQL-PHP example I've decided to take his code and try to do something similar using Perl instead of PHP and well, the resulting example is quite straight forward: define an html input-form with a select group holding countries, parse the user selection with a small javascript that opens a new window and sends the resulting query to a Perl script, query your MySQL database using Perl's DBI Module and generate SVG code according to the database results.
If you have a closer look at the example you'll find some extra features like: automatic re-sizing & re-centering of the SVG viewport according to selected countries, or onmouseover/out effects that result in highlighting of the specific country. At the same time the country's name & flag is displayed in the left corner. The Perl script itself may also be called via query_string if you want to establish links to "selections" that won't change (e.g.: <a href="script.pl?query=at_ch">my neighbours</a>)
The tiny Javascript mysql_svg_perl.js that parses the user selection and opens a new window should be "self explaining" and can be download following the link above. You may also have a look at the DB table description and download SQL-files from there. Lets's start with the complete Perl code first and walk through the description afterwards. Perl code is colored in red, comments in teal, JavaScript in green, SQL related statments in mauve while regular SVG is in blue.
001 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
002 #
003 # get geometry from mysql db and create svg for selected countries
004 # klaus.foerster@uibk.ac.at, v0.1b
005 ########################################################################
007 use DBI;
008 use CGI;
009 use strict;
011 my $q = new CGI;
013 my (@domains, $geom);
014 my $width = "480";
015 my $height = "360";
017 # check for query_string
018 if (!$q->param('query')) {
019 print $q->header();
020 print "Please select at least one country :(\n";
021 exit (0);
022 }
024 # parse query
025 @_ = split(/_/, $q->param('query'));
027 for my $dom (@_) {
028 $dom =~ m/^[a-z]{2}$/ or next;
029 push @domains, "countrygeom.tld='$dom'";
030 }
031 if (!@domains) {
032 print $q->header();
033 print "Sorry, incorrect query string :(\n";
034 exit (0);
035 }
037 # generate sql query, connect to database and execute query
038 my $sql = qq{ select countrygeom.tld, countrygeom.geom, countrynames.cnameen };
039 $sql .= qq{ from countrygeom, countrynames };
040 $sql .= qq{ where countrygeom.tld = countrynames.tld and (};
041 $sql .= join " or ", @domains;
042 $sql .= ")";
044 my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=XXX;host=XXX","XXX","XXX");
045 if ( !defined $dbh ) {
046 local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
047 print STDERR "[" .scalar localtime (time) . "] [error]
[client $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}] ";
048 print STDERR $DBI::errstr . " ";
049 print $q->header();
050 print $DBI::errstr;
051 print "<p>Sorry. Database could not be reached.
Please try again later<br />\n";
052 };
053 die;
054 }
055 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
056 $sth->execute || execute_failed($DBI::errstr);
058 # get results and create svg-code
059 while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow) {
060 $geom .= qq*<path id="$row[0]"*;
061 $geom .= qq* onmouseover="showName('$row[0]','$row[2]')"
062 $geom .= qq* class="fil3 landpolygone" d="$row[1]" />\n*;
063 }
065 # anything found?
066 $geom or execute_failed("no geometry found for your query");
068 # write svg-code
069 print $q->header("image/svg+xml");
070 print qq*<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
071 <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
072 "https://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd">
073 <svg id="mainmap" xml:space="preserve" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision;
074 text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality"
075 width="$width" height="$height" viewBox="-6148 0 11425 8275" onload='init(evt)'>
076 <script>
077 <![CDATA[
078 var myX;
079 var myY;
080 var myScale;
082 function init(evt){
083 var bbox = document.getElementById('countrygroup').getBBox();
084 var viewboxvals=bbox.x+' '+bbox.y+' '+bbox.width+' '+bbox.height;
085 document.getElementById('mainmap').setAttributeNS(null,'viewBox',viewboxvals);
086 if ((bbox.width/bbox.height) >= ($width/$height)) {
087 myScale = $width/bbox.width; // viewbox narrower than viewport
088 myX = bbox.x;
089 myY = bbox.y+(bbox.height/2)+((bbox.width\*$height )/(2\*$width));
090 }
091 else { // viewbox straiter as viewport
092 myScale = $height/bbox.height;
093 myX = bbox.x+(bbox.width/2)-((bbox.height\*$width)/(2\*$height));
094 myY = bbox.y+bbox.height;
095 }
096 }
098 function showName(tld,country) {
099 var t = document.getElementById('tldtext');
100 var p = document.getElementById(tld);
101 var c = document.getElementById('tldtext');
102 var i = document.getElementById('flag');
104 t.setAttributeNS(null,'x',myX+50/myScale);
105 t.setAttributeNS(null,'y',myY-10/myScale);
106 t.setAttributeNS(null,"font-size",(30/myScale)+"px");
107 p.setAttributeNS(null,"stroke-width",1/myScale);
109 c = c.firstChild;
110 c.nodeValue = country;
112 i.setAttributeNS(null,'x',myX+10/myScale);
113 i.setAttributeNS(null,'y',myY-30/myScale);
114 i.setAttributeNS(null,'width',eval(30/myScale));
115 i.setAttributeNS(null,'height',eval(20/myScale));
116 i.setAttributeNS('https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink','href','/srv/img/flags/'+tld+'.png');
117 }
119 function clearName(tld) {
120 document.getElementById(tld).setAttributeNS(null,"stroke-width",0.1);
121 t = document.getElementById('tldtext')
122 t = t.firstChild;
123 t.nodeValue = ' ';
124 }
125 function clearFlag() {
126 var i = document.getElementById('flag');
127 i.setAttributeNS('https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink','href','/srv/img/flags/white.png');
128 }
129 ]]>
130 </script>
132 <desc>This is a country selector</desc>
133 <defs>
134 <style type="text/css">
135 <![CDATA[
136 .fil3 {fill:#009240;fill-opacity:0.15}
137 .landpolygone {stroke:#999999;stroke-width:0.1}
138 ]]>
139 </style>
140 </defs>
141 <rect id="background" x="-6148" y="0" width="11425" height="8275"
142 onmouseover="clearFlag()" style="fill:white;stroke:none" />
143 <g id="countrygroup">
144 $geom
145 </g>
146 <image id="flag" xlink:href="flags/white.png" x="0" y="0" width="300" height="200" />
147 <text id="tldtext" x="0" y="0" style="font-size:0;">Names go here ...</text></svg>
148 *;
150 # error handling ...
151 sub execute_failed {
152 print $q->header();
153 my $error = shift;
154 print "Error: $error<br />\n";
155 }
Lines 7 to 9 define which Perl modules are needed, in our case: DBI for handling Database actions & CGI for parsing the query and sending the header. Both modules can be found at cpan.perl.org, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network and if you want information on MySQL & DBI just have a look at the according https://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Perl_DBI_Class.html.
Lines 11 to 35 parse the input, define global variables like $width & $height of our svg document or variables that are needed later (13 to 15), check if a query has been sent at all (17 to 22), split up the query_string into it's components (25) and fill an array that holds our first "sql statements" (at least a part of it) in the form of countrygeom.tld='$dom' (27 to 30) where countrygeom is the name of our MySQL table, tld the name of our MySQL variable and $dom the according top level domain abreviation gained from the query. If we're done with parsing and get a query "we can understand" the program continues, otherwise it ends with "sorry incorrect query string".
Lines 37 to 42 define the actual sql query, combining sql statements we've generated in line 29 with logical "or" and adding them to our where clause. This results in strings like countrygeom.tld=at or countrygeom.tld=ch or countrygeom.tld=de and is necessary to be able to search for more than one country.
Lines 44 to 58 connect to the database using dbname, dbhost, dbuser & dbpass as parameters (44), abort the program if the database can not be reached (45 to 54), prepare and execute the query (55 - 56) and abort the program if execution of our sql statement fails.
Lines 58 to 66 parse the result (59), generate the <path ../> with onmouseover, onmouseout events & style and append this code to our global $geom variable (60 to 62). If you want to add things like xlink:href, animations or what so ever bound to each country shape - here's the place to do it. Line 66 examines whether $geom holds any values and aborts if $geom is empty (i.e. specified domain may be valid but not in our database, like e.g. za for South Africa).
Line 69 sends the image/svg+xml header and the rest of the code (except the last 5 lines that handle errors for the whole program) are nedded to print out the resulting svg code. Well, no Perl needed here except the qq* .... * operator that allows you to get rid of escaping all the quotes (") in svg (although you have to be careful not to forget to escape all the stars (*) in your document.
Lines 69 to 75 contain the document's header, establish an initial viewport and define that init(evt) will be called when the svg is loaded.
Lines 76 to 130 contain four javascript functions that handling the following tasks:
Lines 134 to 139 contain style definitions
Lines 141 to 147 contain the actual geometry as well as text and image that will be replaced by javascript functions showName(tld,country) and clearName(tld).
To access the database you need to know what is in the database tables. See below for the two used tables. If you want to build those tables with content you may use countrynames.sql for the bilingual names and countrygeom.sql for geometry.
mysql> show columns from countrygeom; +-------+-----------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------+-----------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | cid | int(8) unsigned | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | tld | char(2) | | | | | | geom | text | YES | | NULL | | +-------+-----------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ mysql> select * from countrygeom; +-----+-----+--------------------------------------------------------- | cid | tld | geom +-----+-----+--------------------------------------------------------- | 1 | yu | M-1431 6308l-3 -14 9 -8 7 6c-4,6 -6,13 -13,16z -12,1.... | 2 | ua | M-2337 6531l4 -22 0 -4 -33 -14 -15 14 -1 29 9 2 29,2.... | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . mysql> show columns from countrynames; +---------+-----------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +---------+-----------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | cid | int(8) unsigned | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | tld | char(2) | | | | | | cnameen | char(128) | YES | | NULL | | | cnamede | char(128) | YES | | NULL | | +---------+-----------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ mysql> select * from countrynames; +-----+-----+------------------------+-------------------------+ | cid | tld | cnameen | cnamede | +-----+-----+------------------------+-------------------------+ | 1 | yu | Yougoslavia | Jugoslawien | | 2 | ua | Ukraine | Ukraine | | 3 | uk | United Kingdom | Gross Britannien | | 4 | tr | Turkey | Turkei | | 5 | sm | San Marino | San Marino | | 6 | sk | Slovakia | Slowakei | | 7 | si | Slovenia | Slowenien | | . | . | . | . | | . | . | . | . | | . | . | . | . |
Example provided by Klaus Förster.
Last modified:
Tuesday, 10-Dec-2019 21:40:37 CET
© carto:net (andreas neumann & andré m. winter) original URL for reference: https://old.carto.net/papers/svg/samples/mysql_svg_perl.shtml |